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Useful Q & A: Teaching Your Child Using Right Brain Education

Teaching children using right brain education method

Are you a new parent wanting to know how much to teach your child using the Right Brain Education Method?

I recently received some questions from our new members. I want to share them with you, because you may have the same questions.

Here are the questions and answers...

Q: I thought I would be able to flash 100 to 200 flash cards in one go?

Most children cannot keep still (It's because they are very curious about their environment). Take a short break and flash the cards back later.

Flash Cards should be on a variety of topics (some math, alphabet, vocabulary...) and should be flash in a different sequence in each lesson.

For example, on Day 1, flash set 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, then on Day 2, flash the same sets but in a different order.

Your baby or toddler right brain education materials are all here. teach your child right brain education online at home or anywhere.

Q: I am not sure which flash Cards to use first?

Use any flash cards you want or your child likes. In the Shichida and Heguru methods, there are NO RULES.

Keep it flexible.

Q: How many times should my child practice per day?

Once a day but on some days, your child may not be in the mood. Then, you may do it twice on a different day (divide the lessons into 2 sessions on that day).

Q: It is best to create a routine?

Keep it short and do not force your child to learn. To a child, learning should be like playtime.

Q: For how long do I show the same set of flash cards, a week? Two? More?

Normally 1 to 2 weeks. It depends on your child.

Your child will go through different phases of growing up. Like learning to crawl, walk, or run.

It is easier to teach your child when he or she is not yet mobile. When your child can walk, he or she will have a harder time focusing.

As parents, you must be flexible; there are NO RULES.

Keep it flexible.


I hope you find this article useful. When you are a member of our library, we do our best to assist.

Click here to learn more about our collection of flash cards and right brain materials for your Right Brain Education exercises.

Happy Teaching.

Best Regards,

James Farrow

Here are some of the most popular right brain education activities and flashcards for babies and toddlers to learn at home. All Shichida Method and Heguru Method students uses our program at home.

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