Buy Shichida flashcards online, DIY, or buy ready-made physical flashcards?
Let's review your options and see which is the best.
Do you have time to DIY Shichida flashcards on your own?
When your child does their Shichida at home, they will do a minimum of 100 new Shichida flashcards per lesson.
You will repeat the same flashcards for one week. That means you use up 400 flashcards every month.
In one year, that will be 4800 flashcards; in two years, you will need 9600 flashcards.
Developing 400 baby flashcards monthly requires meticulous research, curation, and creative design. It involves brainstorming content, creating graphics, and crafting informative text for babies and toddlers.
Even if you print your Shichida flashcards at home, creating them requires a considerable investment of time and resources. This includes sourcing high-quality materials for durability and visual appeal, which will make the flashcards engaging for your baby or toddler to look at.
You will need to do this on a monthly basis, creating 400 flashcards. Just think about doing it for 1 year.
Should you make your own Shichida flashcards?
It depends. Keep in mind that you need a lot of flashcards to teach your baby or toddler. Let's look at other options to obtain thousands of Shichida flashcard materials. Here are your options:
Make your flash cards.
Download and Printable flash cards.
Buy ready-made flash cards.
Here are 3 ways to source or make your Shichida Materials & flash cards.
1. Make Your Own Shichida Flashcards
Get a stack of used magazines, cut the pictures, stick them on blank flash cards (280g to 350g), and write the word behind the blank cards. You can buy these blank flashcards from paper mills and bookshops or online. This is a good option when you have the time to make your own.
According to Shichida, using A5 size cards to make your flash cards is OK.
2. Print your own flash cards (PDF download / printable)

You need to get a printer first and buy blank cards. Two types of printers are for sale: inkjet and laser printer.
I would recommend the laser printer because the pictures are sharper, and it will not blur/smudge/fade as the cards age. When you stack up to the inkjet-printed flashcards, they tend to stick together and ruin the card pictures.
There are many resources to look for for pictures and topics to print. Some websites "giveaway free" printable flash card images for you to print. We find those pictures not so attractive.
Another important thing is purchasing the correct type of laser printer to print using 280g to 350g paper. Most normal consumer printers can only print up to 100—to 105-gram cards.
For example, a Xerox Phaser 6700 laser printer (designed for small and medium enterprises) can handle a maximum of 220-grams.
You need an A3 office laser printer specification (printer cost is above USD$1000) in order to print these cards.
Cost of printing: You are looking at a printing cost of USD$0.30 per card. So if you are printing 200 Shichida flash cards (1-month flashcard lessons), you are looking at USD$60.00. In a year, that will be USD$720.00.
Here is a tip: When looking for pictures/images you want to print, make sure the pictures are realistic and not cartoons. IT MUST BE REAL PICTURES. Make sure the pictures are sharp and attractive. If your cards are unattractive, your baby will not be interested in learning, or it will be hard to get your baby's attention/focus when you have flashcard lessons.
3. Buy ready-made Shichida flashcards
The famous brand that makes "Shichida materials" is TENSEI. These quality products are very expensive and limited in quantity. However, they are a good start if you are teaching your child.
There are other e-commerce sites like Amazon, Taobao, Lazada, and many others.
If you have the time to make your Shichida flashcards, then the options we mention are the way to go. However, remember that it is time-consuming and costly (printing cost + ink cost, blank cards).
Keep an open mind and look for other ideas on source flashcards for your Shichida Method at home.
Are there other ways to get suitable brain flashcards online to teach your baby?
Shichida Flashcards From Right Brain Education Library
Shichida flashcards from the Right Brain Education Library are valuable for parents looking to practice Shichida at home.
Many Shichida parents use the library program to reach Shichida at home.
The flashcards are specifically developed to align with the principles of the Shichida method, which focuses on developing young learners' right-brain capabilities.
By utilizing these flashcards, parents can effectively supplement their children's education at home, reinforcing the lessons learned in their Shichida classes.
Many parents like yourself send their kids to Shichida and use Right Brain Education Library to teach their kids Shichida at home.
The Right Brain Education Library is a comprehensive resource for Shichida parents seeking to actively engage their children in right-brain learning activities at home. The materials available in the library are meticulously designed to stimulate the right brain functions, fostering creativity, intuition, and holistic thinking in young minds.
Through these specially designed and developed materials, parents can create an immersive and enriching learning environment for their children, nurturing their cognitive development in alignment with the Shichida method.
Many Shichida parents have found the Right Brain Education Library invaluable in supporting their children's Shichida educational journey. By incorporating these meticulously designed materials into their home teaching practices, parents can enhance their children's learning experiences and promote holistic brain development.
The Right Brain Education Library strictly follows and supports the authentic Shichida method, a highly respected and meticulously designed educational approach that emphasizes the holistic development of children's right brain abilities.
Professor Makoto Shichida developed this method, renowned for its innovative techniques for nurturing creativity, intuition, and photographic memory in young learners.
Adhering to the principles of the original Shichida method, the library ensures that its flashcard materials are carefully crafted to stimulate the right brain's functions effectively.
The Right Brain Education Library flashcards are designed to engage children's senses, promote rapid learning, and enhance their cognitive skills in a fun and engaging manner.
Parents can rely on the Right Brain Education Library as a trusted resource for their children's educational needs, knowing that the materials provided are aligned with the proven techniques of the Shichida flashcards method. This commitment to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the method gives parents peace of mind as they support their children's cognitive development and academic success.